Doreens Channel
Doreens Channel
A Visionary of Light and Love
- (Lightworkers our world is continuing to change
- We as Lightworkers are here to make a difference
- No matter how BIG or how small we are making a difference
- Keep being Positive, Send Out Love from the depth of Your Heart
- to All humans, All Living Creatures, Mother Earth and the Universe!)

Welcome to Doreens Channel
Welcome to Doreens Channel

* * * May 2023 * * *
Come out to the Galactic Expo in Nashville Tennessee, on May 20th and 21st. I’ll be doing readings in Booth A37. I look forward to seeing you. Oh yes bring your family, bring your friends and make a day and/or a weekend event of this Expo. The Expo hours are Saturday 10:00 - 7:00 and Sunday 10:00 - 5:00. It's being held at the Fairgrounds Nashville.
This is going to be such an exciting weekend. I feel the vibrational energy rising and excitement as we are getting closer to Nashville. We are going to all have a fantastic time. I look forward to seeing you!
* * * * * * * * * *
I must mention the Victory of Light Expo that I was a part of in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 15 and 16, 2023. What a fantastic event and I'll be returning in November, same booth 108 and same location.
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Thank you to all those that have come to me for a reading and those that are planning on having a reading(I look forward to meeting you).
I am so thankful to be connected to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The messages that come forth are from the Divine Graces of these spirits. Channeled for those to hear what they need to hear to help them release any block(s) that are holding them back. Giving them insight into moving forward in their lives.
There is so much that can be covered in a reading, Mediumship, Channeling, Healing, Akashic Records Insight or Let's just see where this goes! As I gaze into my etheric Crystal Ball, a connection is made, a Spiritual connection, giving the client the information they need to hear, to see to understand.
As so many are feeling the shift that is taking place, there are those that welcome it and those that deny it. Honor your soul and release any and all fear. We as children of God Our Father, we are here to bring about change.
Respectful change, of another, no matter who they are or where they come from. Reach out and send your LOVE, HEALINGS and COMPASSION for allwho cross your path. You are not alone in this environment, you are one of an army, carrying your cross! As you let go of the travisites that you carry, change will take place for you and those you meet. We are Making a Change in our World!
Stay Strong
Stay Safe
Send Love
Send Healing
Most of all Recieve your Gifts that are being sent to you!
As we are open to giving and receiving more bliss will come your way.
And So It IS!
In the meantime, I am available for Channeled Readings, please get with me via my phone 248.249.7553 call or text. You can also reach me via my email address Doreenschannel@aol.com, to set up and appointment.
Looking forward to our next adventure.
Journey to a Higher Consciousness
Doreen Santina Cote
From Spiritual to Paranormal, many different venues on my Spiritual Journey and yours as well!
With all that said the event cancellations have changed my world and yours as well.
However know this, I am available and I look forward to talking and/or seeing you via Zoom, Facetime or just on the phone.
God Bless You All
As God has blessed me with his connection
God is also blessing you with yours
In Faith and Love In Yourselves
this world we live in.
Check out my Events page to locate me to share my Spiritual Insights with you!
I'll be sharing my booth with many well known psychic's, stop by, we all look forward to seeing you.
For further details and other up coming events click on my EVENTS page
Love, light and universal energy was brought in for those I read. Channels were opened for the client to receive messages that were unique to them . This opportunity to work with each one of you was amazing and I thank you for the connections we had. I feel so blessed to exchange words, kindness, energy and especially messages from Spirit with the clients. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!
I am a child of God, with a great gift, one of the greatest gifts your soul can receive. This gift is my peace of who I am. This gift of contacting Spirit, contacting them to give you the messages you need to hear to continue on your miraculous journey.
I am the channel. I am the channel that speaks to you in Divine Space. I am the channel speaking to you in Love and Light, giving you messages!
Come join me at the events listed on my Events page, at my home office or your personal event.
I look forward to our interactions as spirit will be guiding our time together.
On my Spiritual Journey, I've been following Bryan de Flores at LIGHTQUEST INTERNATIONAL since 2004. I use his multi-dimensional works of art "Accelerators" in my readings and also sell some of the Accelerator images at my events. He is truly amazing and I've taken many of his classes and purchased many of his "Accelerators". These are a must to see.
Check out his website, you will be amazed www.lightquest-intl.com
The following Language of Light designs are courtesy of Bryan de Flores at LIGHTQUEST INTERNATIONAL - www.lightquest-intl.com.

In Love and Light